حلقة الوصل هي شركة تكنولوجية متخصصة في مجال الأتصالات وتقنية المعلومات كالنظم الامنية و السنترالات والشبكات والحوسبة السحابية, التخزين السحابي, ربط البصمة, وبرامج تشغيل الأنظمة عن بُعد وأمن المعلومات والحماية.

Control Systems

Accelerating development of information technology requires to keep pace with changes in various fields of private, public, social and economic life. As a result of this development, the security surveillance devices (such as cameras, fingerprint devices, and smart access devices) became smaller, more quality, and less expensive. Now, the companies of all volumes can enjoy high security advantages with LinkTek.

Surveillance and control systems come as a result of such development, some its advantages include:

  • Remote controlling through mobile devices or computers.
  • Monitor the workflow of factories, companies and institutions.
  • Which contributes to increase the productivity of employees or workers.
  • Detect and monitor waste of resources and thefts that may happen due to negligence.
  • Reducing losses and increasing revenues while raising the employees productivity.
  • Protecting private and public property from acts of sabotage and terrorism.
  • Monitor and control places where attendance is prohibited, such as Labs and stores.

Types of surveillance cameras that we can provide to our customers:

  • High quality indoor and outdoor cameras.
  • Thermographic cameras.
  • Night Video Cameras which works in the utter darkness.
  • Cameras for near and far distances.
  • Cameras with surveillance choice through mobile phones or computers in complete security.
  • Cameras with direct surveillance or continuous recording.

Attendance and departure devices that we can provide to our customers:

  • Attendance and departure devices with fingerprint, card and password.
  • Attendance and departure devices with fingerprint, card, password and palm print.
  • Attendance and departure devices with fingerprint, card, password and Face print.

Fingerprint systems are also a product of this development and their advantages include:

  • Remote controlling through mobile devices or computers.
  • Discipline of workers and employees in factories, companies and institutions.
  • Devices suitable for different sectors that work with a fingerprint or a Face print, as well as a card.
  • They are compatible with many accounting programs and salary and wage systems, to calculate delay times, absenteeism days, leaves and salary, overtime wages, deductions and advances.
  • Save time and effort, especially in facilities with a lot of employment.
  • Avoiding errors and manipulation in attendance and leaving sheets.
  • Using fingerprinting devices has become the alternative way to the queue of workers for the signature on “attendance and departure record”.
  • Fingerprint devices are called the electronic signature of the employee through fingerprint, smart card, password or face print.
  • Fingerprint devices are protected so that only the administrator is allowed to control the device’s functions and settings.

Exchanges or digital extensions systems

   Exchanges systems are of the most advanced tools in interpersonal communication such as Du, Emo, FaceTime, and many others.

As for companies and institutions, the communications technology has become more developed and more economical, one of these devices is the exchange or digital extension.

Possessing an exchange or digital extension is the best choice for managing company, factory, hotel, restaurant, office, shop and Etc .

Some of the benefits and functions of an exchanges or digital extension (among many other functions):

  • The exchanges or digital extensions facilitate and organize the communication between individuals inside and outside the facility with complete ease and high quality.
  • Modern exchanges with capacity of receiving the largest number of incoming and outgoing calls and transfer them between the branches and departments of the company very quickly.
  • Modern exchanges allow linking and merging establishments with their branches anywhere and in any country, to work as if it is a local internal communication network, which saves money spent on paying bills and subscription fees for all lines connected to the public telephone network.
  • There are many exchanges that operated by advanced programming systems allow them to be connected to computers and the Internet.
  • The ability to link the digital extension with doors such as intercom and automatic reply with a message recorded in the digital extension.
  • Voice transmission using data packets and Internet Protocol (IP), and there are more advanced devices that enable you to transfer audio and video for conferences and teleconferencing.
  • Call Center System is used in call centers of the companies, as the companies consider such as a major investment towards their customers to keep in touch with them.
  • The ability to record incoming calls in the Call Center system to improve the quality of service.
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